OK so I am sort of recovered from jet lag after being here almost a week. So now I am going to back up and recount the first seven days of my adventure.
So the trip started with a tearful goddbye with Kevin and then an unscheduled 8 hr delay in Chicago. Word to the wise. .. did you know that you could pay $50 and get into the fancy red carpet club where the first class and business class passengers get to stay. It is like traveling Nirvanva. Quiet, Big chairs, and continual free snacks, free Wi Fi. Worth every penny. A lady who was sitting next to me actually offered to upgrade my ticket with her extra points but apparently my ticket was Z class. I am not kidding. I was practically sitting with the goats and chickens (or the modern equivalent) My new friend was worried that the 16 hour flight in coach would be torture and she was right. A sleep aid and sound reducing headphones made it bearable.
We were wined and dined by the state department in between orientation meetings. Overwhelming amounts of information. I found some French comfort food in the Ritz complex.

Obviously I did not eat the fish. But all the dishes were on a big glass lazy susan. You will also see my special vegetarian plate below.
Me taking my picture in the frosted mirror with my fellow Fulbrighters in the background.
This is the city rises Shanghai style.
Leaving the group and the super nice hotel with the indoor and outdoor pool etc was scary but the representative from Beijing normal was very helpful and nice. More on Beijing shortly. . . . .
eep delays are no fun! but yay that you are finally there and living in comfort.
hope all the learning and information exchanging goes well this week :)
holy crap, i'm jealous of that bathroom.
Yeah the bathroom was relaly nice. THere was also a shower in the other corner. There was a little tub pillow for your head and I fit just right into the warm suds.
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