Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Election Party

I have been quite busy over the past month. I gave a talk at the Fulbright Alumni conference, a talk at BNU and traveled to Chongqing to give a few talks at Southwest University. One of the highlights of recent weeks was the election party held at a swanky hotel by the embassy. There was a large crowd of people from all over the globe and CNN was being broadcast on two huge screens. The crowd was varied but I think mostly hoping Obama would be the next president. Several people got emotional when Obama gave his speech and this historic election finally came to a close.


Darth Rachel said...

hey did you get your hair cut again? yay for haircuts!

i totally got emotional during Obama's speech. i admit.

i'm writing a short paper this evening on mallarme and zola and their ideas about manet. woot.

Karen said...

That paper sounds pretty cool. I love Manet. Are you going to send me a draft?

And yes I did get another haircut. She just kept cutting but it is a very easy hairstyle to take care of.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear from you. I was getting a little worried.

I'm not writing a paper. I am watching Murder, She Wrote.

Anonymous said...

Goodness, you look thin. I still can't believe you can't find pants that fit you there.

Were you able to get onto your blog again, then?

Hope you and your sweetie are having a good visit and good health this week!

- Emily